Monday, April 27, 2009

10 Things that have Changed My Life: #6- Matt Chandler

My absolute favorite preacher, Chandler is the lead/teaching pastor at The Village Church near Dallas, TX.  I first heard him speak three years ago at a college conference called Focus.  He absolutely tore it up.  I started downloading his sermons and began listening to them religiously (no pun intended..).

Chandler has impacted my life in three different ways.  First, his ability to teach and communicate ignited a similar desire in my own heart.  Through his ministry, I was awakened to the reality of what can happen because of dynamic preaching.

Second, the actual content of his teaching has impacted my walk with Christ in what is probably an immeasurable degree.  He preaches the scriptures in an engaging and clear way- always showing Jesus in the text.

Lastly, much of my own leadership style and philosophy of ministry comes directly from how Chandler does things and how the Village is operated.  I never want to copy- but I am definitely taking the good things that he does and trying my best to reproduce them in Sugar Land in my particular context with my particular skills.

If you haven’t heard him speak, stop what you are doing and go download one of his sermons.  Seriously.

Who is your favorite preacher/speaker?  How have they impacted you?


  1. Despite having known you and Hendy for years now I have never listened to Chandler. I guess I ought to...

  2. When I think of Matt Chandler I think of many things but most vividly is when he's telling the story of Eve's creation and Adam says: "Miiiiiine." Gets me every time. :)

  3. I had a totally different image of Matt Chandler in my head haha. I really like him though, his sex sermon makes me happy

  4. As a 27 year old evangelical, my answers are pretty cliche, but the preachers who have influenced me the most are John Piper and Mark Driscoll. Piper for his passion for the glory of God and Christ. Driscoll because he's done such a remarkable job of articulating what so many evangelicals have been feeling. He's engaging culture, attracting men, and all the while he's preaching hour long sermons through books of the Bible and doing weekly communion.

    I've liked everything I've heard from Matt Chandler (and I'm fascinated by him since my last name is Chandler too). I've been trying to check him out.
