Tuesday, October 27, 2009

10 Things That Increase My Love for Christ: #4- Responsible Sleeping

I have a natural bent towards procrastination and laziness. I am told that this comes from a combination of intelligence and ADHD, but I think there is a spiritual component as well. If I am not careful, I easily start to waste my life and the time that has been given to me for the work of the Kingdom, which is why I try to be very deliberate about my sleeping patterns and habits.

When I make a habit of going to bed early (before midnight) and getting up early (before or around 8) I find that I utilize my entire day much more effectively and Christ-like. I am not sure what it is exactly, but it even increases my desire and ability to seek, pursue, and love Christ.

So, even though responsible sleeping is not something that most would consider a moral issue, I have found it to be very influential in my Christian walk.

How do you handle sleeping? Is there another example from your life of something that does not seem like a moral issue but is influential to your relationship with Christ?


  1. Mike I am so guilty of that. Just last night after staff meeting I knew I should go to bed so I would drag out of bed the next morning, but I couldn't do it. I get so wired at night, but then the next day I hate life. I definitely think responsible sleeping is a Christian discipline, and a very hard one =).

  2. Haha, I had that same battle last night after staff meeting... I was able to retire around 11:30 though and am feeling good right now! =)

  3. I totally agree with you! When I get enough sleep I'm always in a better mood in the morning and I can deal alot better with people and their attitudes lol. To add on though I also need my alone time. I have to have like atleast 5 hours some where in the week some time where I have no one around me or talking to me and I can' just sit and relax. If i don't have that I have a hard time talking to people and being nice and happy lol

