Monday, May 4, 2009

My Summer Plans

I want to take a break from my '10 Things that have Changed My Life' series and ask you all a question.

This summer I will be trying my hardest to be as productive as I can for the kingdom.  I will be doing alot of preaching, some writing, some traveling (3 trips!), and hopefully a lot of exercising!  I also have set a goal to read 12 books (roughly one per week I am in town).  I have a short list, but wanted your opinions/advice/suggestions on a good book to read.  It does not have to be christian and/or theological.

Here is the list I have so far (in no order):
Confessions of a Ref. Rev- Mark Driscoll
To Own a Dragon- Donald Miller
Justification: God's plan and Paul's vision- NT Wright
Comeback Churches- Ed Stetzer
Provocative Faith- Matthew Paul Turner
The Life of Pi- Yann Martel
A Random Memoir at the bookstore
A Random Medical thriller at the bookstore

That means I need 4 more books!  What should I read?  Please comment and make suggestions- with the reason why I should read it.  Again, it does not have to be Christian.  The only rule is it canNOT be Twilight! haha

Also- I am looking to preach/speak all over the place this summer.  If your group or church needs a speaker- talk to me about booking.  I cannot miss Sundays because of church obligations but I am willing to travel anywhere during the week to serve you.  

Looking forward to your suggestions,


  1. Life of the Beloved - Nouwen

  2. Oh and:

    Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places - Eugene Peterson
    Sabbath - Heschel

  3. I've read Life of Beloved by Nouwen; I own and have read CPTTP by Peterson, and I will look into Sabbath. Why is it worth the read?

  4. I am going to go with these two:
    A Brief History of Time- Stephen Hawking
    QED - Richard Feynman

    Both are laymen physics books but they are definitely worth reading. They take some time to get through but they don't require any skills at math or physics and they can provide some interesting insight into the world around you. Plus the extreme difference of the two subjects (gravity/relativity and quantum electro-dynamics) will make for an interesting read.

  5. Give the graphic novel Blankets by Craig Thompson a shot.
